[Fri] 18 Oct 2013 [V+] (MassACRE)

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[Fri] 18 Oct 2013 [V+] (MassACRE)

Post by SuperU »

Tonight 11 brave comrades discovered Tigersharks 'private literature' stash on Podagorsk engaged in stealthy exploits in purple vision and escaped Chernarus after a few massACREs

Missions played tonight:
  • Danger Zone
  • Fog
  • Random Engagements – Celle Edition
  • Lichterfelde
  • Cratersistance

  • Cholo – Zulu Warrior Edition
  • Infection Chernarus – Sadist Mode
I thank you again for attending, V+ is very dear to both myself and Pr3sario – we're interested in any feedback you may have on improving the experience as well as numbers of people attending the session. A discussion thread has been opened here.

Please post tales of valour below, or how you became lost in the woods for others to read and be entertained.

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Re: [Fri] 18 Oct 2013 [V+] (MassACRE)

Post by Pr3sario »

Danger Zone
MAT - with dancemoox as my assistant.
After entering the AO we were chuffed to find some interesting reading materials. I grabbed it and had a look at it (for the articles). We set up shop on either side of the road and the waiting game started. During the encounter I fired off three RPG's before being ordered to come and look at all the bodies by SuperU. The sick bastard. We then withdrew to the RV point and the mission was over. Success!

Alpha with SuperU, awaitz and Zenzos
Homercleese, well done on resisting input from others when making your plan. It turned out to be the perfect way to enter the town and complete the objectives. I didn't do very much, killed a few guys at short range and enjoyed the purple rain.

Random Engagements – Celle Edition
A1 with SuperU, awaitz and Greyeric
Oh how fun this was. As we waited on the arrival of the enemy to "Fort Fuck Off", we played a game of eye-spy in the "Freedom Hanger". We all took a corner and waited. I killed dancemoox just as he was about to sneak up on SuperU and then took a few pot shots as other doors opened, and a few pot shots at my own team in the confusion. When the hanger door started to open I tried to close it but was unsuccessful as I was shot from somewhere over the other side of the hanger.

CO with SuperU as my medic
dancemoox you complete bastard. Of all the missions tonight I wouldn't have chosen to command this one. Despite some close calls and some friendly fire we made it to the docks and the chopper where we were able to escape. Thoughts are welcome on my COing as I am still pretty new to it.

Napa defenders with awaitz, HomerCleese and daf
I got one before they got me - muhahaha!

- here is that video I promised you when were discussing dancemoox screaming like a little girl.

I make videos starring you lot. To see yourself live or die just click here

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Re: [Fri] 18 Oct 2013 [V+] (MassACRE)

Post by Homercleese »

Haha, thanks for that Pr3sario. I actually watched that a month or so ago when scanning through your channel but back then the whimpers were meaningless, dissociated as they were from any supposed icons of respect within the collective. Now however, after so many missions, so much tutelage and nourishment from that chiselled, moustachioed countenance, it's like my bedrock has been atomised.

I find myself alone. In the void.

I'll need to recuperate before I can gather myself to report on lastnight's happenings.

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Re: [Fri] 18 Oct 2013 [V+] (MassACRE)

Post by dancemoox »

Fear not Homer for one day I shall teach you the ways of the moustached exaggerated serpentine squealing escape technique or MESSET for now back on topic the lot of you :commissar:

Danger Zone - MAT Assistant

So I found the reading material Tiger left as he got on the Podagorsk express, I called in the CO and then got into position on a rooftop to engage the incoming infidels. Much to my dismay I didn't have spare ammo for Pr3saro but had an AK and used it well, killing the crew and passengers as they jumped out of the burning vehicles.. As Super CO Super investigated the bodies I killed a likely assassin and joined my team leader on the ground, more vehicles noises were heard to the south, I crossed a fence line and was killed by an unseen foe..

Fog - Bravo AT

I may have dosed everyone with a little too much of Fer's stash as the purple and weather combined to make mega purple. I was able to see once I liberated NVGS, some confusion kicked in as I spotted a Shilka separate from the one Super and Alpha was dealing with. I missed with my RPG-18 due to being rusty as hell with AT, I assaulted it killing the infantry around it and cleared out for Daf to explode it.

Random Engagements – Celle Edition - Bluefor Medic

I joined AK A2 FTL and ASL Gaius on the wooded side away from A1, we had to stop as Gaius dropped the 148, remember to check what radio you are using 117, 148 or 343. Once the assault got underway I checked the fire station and found it clear. On the way down GP hit the tower fired from the hangars. AK was in the tower and now prone I got him moving down the stairs, Gaius killed him at the bottom of the ladder due to some kind of PTSD brought on by the GP shelling, with Gaius wounded I begun to heal him as well as give a contact report to A1. More GP landed in the tower and Gaius died, I healed myself up grabbed the M4 Gaius had along with his optics and made my way out of the back of the building. I made my way across to the hanger GP had been coming from, I could hear voices and opened the door, ready to shoot Super in the back I got stuck on the door and was killed by Pr3sario. To add insult Super then just shut the door on my body.. Things to take away from this mission Gaius, relax don't rush yourself, if unsure what the enemy looks like ask someone may know and lastly make sure you are talking on the right radio.

Lichterfelde - Alpha FTL

Quick summery, Alpha leads the way captures two technicals and destroys another. Gets blown to bits by medic Super as we cleared a HMG as called in, we eventually secured the chopper and made our escape. This mission shows how disorganised we can be without maps and clear movement, I've still no idea what you were doing so far away from your fireteam Kale.

Cratersistance - Bluefor SL

Simple plan assault the ammo dump at the church as Antler 'special ops red distraction team' drew attention away at the next objective. I made it up to the church wall with the fireteam and took the right side, and took a bullet going inside, I managed to crawl away inside and almost killed my attacker, almost.

Cholo – Zulu Warrior Edition - Zulu Warrior

I helped out Popo Pr3ario with his bullet inside body problem by adding a few more, then with a captured shooty stick I killed the second cop.

Infection Chernarus – Sadist Mode

My lee enfield failed me, or I failed it, serious questions shall be asked by both.
ramming speed!

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Re: [Fri] 18 Oct 2013 [V+] (MassACRE)

Post by Homercleese »

Danger Zone
Alpah 2 AR

The plan; set up in a town and shoot things when they pass through. Well, let MAT blow them up first and then shoot them. I found the western smut to be no distraction. The caricatures that adorn such publications are barely recognisable as women, their shoulders skeletal, to weak to carry the heavy loads or hoards of children that their narrow hips could not bear to birth. Their craniums lost in a tangle of hair, leaving no way to assess their psychology or heritage. And they have no hair anywhere else, no way to trap heat in the cold nights. I turned my mind to more pressing concerns, such as where best to position my RPK to make fresh widows of such 'women'.

I decided on the far end of town, on the path behind a bin, to give me a clear line of sight up the street on the advancing EI. That it put me very close to the images of females enslaved by capitalism to consumerise their very bodies was nothing but coincidence. The sound of vehicles announced the enemies approach. Unnervingly they approached a lot closer than I'd expected; the first truck exploded about 10 meters away from me but this only made it easier to perforate the crew as they attempted to flee. AH, HA HAHAHA.

Unfortunately the explosion had brought down all the trees in the road completely cutting off my LOS. So I ran around a bit, got hit, awaitz got me back up. Crawled around a bit more, shot a dude of indeterminate affiliation, crawled around a bit more, looked puzzlingly at a US trooper who'd dashed up and took position behind a tree right beside me. Shot him, then got hit again. So did awaitz. Crawled around a bit calling for help. Only to be told that everyone was running north, seeya later. Harsh.


My first mission COing (not exactly at my request I might add) so I was a bit nervous. Fortunately it was based around southern Chernarus, Komarovo, which I knew pretty well from my misguided days of arma youth, hobknobbin around DayZ. On this night, two Shilkas needed blowing up for the greater globabl agrarian revolution. They were somewhere in around Komarovo, probably the docks. I was informed we were in really crappy boats so I decided there was no way we'd take them into possible contact. So;
  1. Head north and beach as soon as possible
  2. Since the majority of us had silenced weapons, all ARs were on weapons hold until things got hot,
  3. Advance on the docks from the west,
  4. Alpha breach the docks walls to the south to clear and search the area,
  5. Bravo to breach and secure the north of the docks compound and then keep overwatch north towards Komarovo.
Once done, and considering all the open ground between the docks and Komarovo proper, I'd planned to fall back west, circle to the north hopefully outside of and patrols and advance on the town from the west along the road and rail where we'd get to building cover a lot sooner. Hearing Gaius grumbling, I graciously gave opportunity to offer suggestions, but, as is his want, he loudly proclaimed the plan to be "the worst plan I've ever seen put together by the worst CO I've ever seen who's also the worst ARMA player I've ever seen and I'm willing to bet he's the worst human being I've ever not met" (his exact words if I remember correctly). I pushed ahead nonetheless through tears and objections both.

Dance, because he's such a helpful guy and this was set in the 80's during Aziz's rise to power, decided we needed to be reminded of that with every photon that impacted on our retinas and so had a giant purple filter fitted on the sun. In defense I think he was aiming more for Blood Dragon/Miami Vice than what we got which was Purple London peasoup.

And the mission, amazingly from my perspective, was pretty much that. We landed, we took the docks as planned. That said, there were NO Shilkas there so we'd have to assault the town but Bravo reported a pretty clear run there despite the open ground so I abandoned the withdraw, circle, approach, second half of the plan and we just made a straight beeline, took out a couple of patrols, and the FTs pretty much did their own thing and blew up the Shilkas. Though Dance's AT ineptitude caused a slight delay, someone with satchels was able to cover for him.

Boom! Success.

Random Engagements – Celle Edition
Alpha 1 AR

Bit of confusion running though this. SuperU, our arch nemesis, marked from the getgo his "position" on the map. He's a devious one though, so he is, and we didn't know whether to trust this and head straight to "Freedom Hangar" for a direct assault. We didn't. A1 moved south to approach the airfield from the west while a 1-strong A2 bolstered by CO Gaius and Medic Moonmoon cleared from the north. Breached the outer walls, then reluctantly decided we needed to clear a couple outer buildings, a lot of work for such a small team, especially when we (*cough*daf*cough*) started shooting each other. Much radio comms confusion later we decided on a straight up balls to the wall assault on the hanger. We were down to 3 at this stage and so I suggested surrounding it (it's a big big empty room with loads of doors) and breaching all together. Unfortunately the door I choose was on the corner beside the main wall-sized hangar door so instead of opening my door, I was opening and closing that repeatedly while trying to figure out why my normal-sized door wasn't budging. By this stage I was all that was left of BluFOR having missed the breach and the subsequent massACRE (sorry, blatant theft) but it worked out pretty well as I went on what, to my mind and my abilities, was a bit of a rambo. Finally copped what was happening with the door, took a peak through, saw someone and shot them. Hoooray, I'm a hero. Proceeded for the next 5 minutes to run around the outside of the hanger popping in different doors, mostly seeing no one through the limited angle but I'm pretty sure I got 3 kills. Then I got a bit bored decided to go Hard not Home so breached fully aaaaaaand was killed.

Lesson of the day, never go Hard.

Bravo (I think) AR

This was a very messy, confused mission, but I had my fun, and that's all that matters. And I only friendly fired one person, which by the standards of this mission was apparently amazing. I'd forgotten what the objective was by the end, (escape evidently), but we were to fight our way to and through Chernogorsk, with minimal navigation gear, while killing pretty much everyone. Citizens turned hostile and blood thirsty on sight. Trundled through the dark of the countryside to the north of Cherno eliminating patrols, technicals and each other, with comms consisting of, "where am I?", "where are you?" and pretty much every other question involving 'where' you can think of.

Things got a bit more straightforward when we finally made it to Cherno, Alpha and the command technical taking the coast road east and Bravo matching them moving through the "city" centre a bit more to the north. This amounted to shooting a lot of untrained peasants and spending a few minutes running around looking for Kale as he seemed to want to get as far away from Bravo as possible. We found him, got him back up, and he immediately ran away from us again. Some people....

Defender AR

Me and AK were to defend the church cache while Pr3sario and daf covered the, uh, wilderness cache. I set up in the graveyard thinking "if they pass through here I'll nail em good!" but then became unsure whether there was an actual physical alternate entry into the graveyard. So I started getting fidgety but it was too late, the AI defenders reported contact, and if those half blind lepers saw something then it was bloody close. So I just got eyes on the cache through the archway, meaning I could only really cover someone right at it. Saw movement, fired, killed. Then thought, "oh that was probably just one of our AIs, eeep" (apparently I got an EI kill though). Moved closer to get better coverage and was killed by the cache detonating.


Cholo – Zulu Warrior Edition

Made it to the station and since there were only two or three Po po and they were reported on the 1st floor, I decided I'd come in from the roof. Cleared the 3rd floor and it's single room then turned to the staircase only to find myself face to face with the long moustache of the law in the smouldering darkness. There was a moment, a second in time that seemed to stretch into infinity, a connection that transcended the mundane world and our pretty rivalries, a meeting of two luminous, ethereal beings.

Then I put four or five Makarov rounds into him and him a round of shotgun pellets into me. I died, he writhed. A fellow band member finished the job. In another life I discovered it had been Dancemoox. In another another life, maybe things could have been different.

Infection Chernarus – Sadist Mode
M14 packing stablehand

Four men versus a superzombie. We spawned alone. Isolated. Crying out for help I saw a silhouette on the horizon. It was Dancemoox! Could this be that other other life?

Apparently not. We heard the zombie, and while I was blinkered, staring down my sights he ate me. Then Dance as well apparently. In my new life as a zombie I had no thoughts for luminous moments so I just ran around till I found awaitz with his makarov cowering in a porch. I laughed at him then I ate him. Nom nom nom.

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