[Sun] 26 Jan 2014 (So helicopters ... yeah)

How we died
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Re: [Sun] 26 Jan 2014 (So helicopters ... yeah)

Post by Dogface »

A session filled with much doom and yet also much fun! In Roadside I was a two-man ninja team that got ninja'd and killed, then in Chance of Showers I drove a T-55. This kicked ass until our ass got kicked. Driven mad with grief for my beautiful machine, I stuffed Head's writhing body back into the burning tank and arranged my injured comrades in a ritual circle around it, before getting outgunned (bizons!!!) and crawling away to the chopper nearby. I didn't have a boarding pass, so I used the pilot's body as a barricade and clicked my empty gun at the enemy before bleeding out.

In XXXXXXXXXXXXx xxxx xxxxxxX X XXXXXXXXXX XXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Xxx xxXx x x xXXXXXXXXXXX Xx[REDACTED]XXX XX xXXX killed. Then in Bolshevik Raid Super led us to great victory as we snuck some satchels onto one building, before getting counterattacked, escaping, and then bravely and fatally assaulting a KORD. Huzzah!

If you took any footage or if you're interested in recording some, we'd love to share it communally!

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Re: [Sun] 26 Jan 2014 (So helicopters ... yeah)

Post by Alex »

Roadside II - Assault Team 2. My sector was quite bad as far as cover went and we took fire right away. My squad dropped like flies and refused to return fire despite my telling them exactly what to fire at. Wounded and without any of my squad still standing, I grabbed an rpg and fired it into the nearest building an instant before a bullet took my face off.

Chance of Showers - I am so sorry. I had drastically underestimated the difficulty that ASR would add to this mission. With the transport Helos too small for all of the squads, we piled into trucks and drove the long way around. With the hills teaming with russians out for blood, we bled for every meter we advanced towards the town. within the town the levels of carnage elevated, with a BMP-3 joining the defenders and making things quite difficult. The mission has now been overhauled and lessons learned.

No Pardon - TH2 Crew chief. Yeah. This.

Bolshevik Raid - TH1 Crew chief. Arriving late to the party, I could only participate in the second lift. After a smooth landing, we flew scouting runs where I took ground fire and was killed.

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