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Precise object placement

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 4:07 am
by Raptoer
So for Budget Issues I used a script system called Object Positioning system by ... ing-System

It let me do precise placements and then copy it out script text to the clipboard or the log. It has some oddities (if you try to move an object too many times then it will slowly fly into the sky), but is way better than placing objects in the editor or even zeus mode.

Just make sure that you set it to ASL and to include rotation. Editing is a bit of a pain though, you have to find the object you want to edit, get its script text then find that text in your script and remove it, move the object, then include the new object.

Perhaps if static objects can be in groups, then I can modify the positioning them to group all of them then output the entire lot at once.