
Help make Party-approved missions harder
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Post by NikkoJT »

CSAT monsters rise from the stormy deep to raid the island of Moray. (At least one IFV recommended)

Moray, Malden - CSAT vs NATO
Marid amphibious landing. Grey camo for everyone. Recon Team is riflemen with suppressors and rangefinders.

v1: tested and corrected.
v2: Live and first played.
No issues noticed. All seems to be working as intended.
v3: ready.
- Added IFV Command Liaison (JTAC) slot in ASL element.
- Player count increased to 23.
- Up to 3 players may now ride on the upper deck of each Marid. The IFVCL rides on ROMEO by default.
- Tweaked BLUFOR balance.
v4: ready.
- ORBAT now conforms to F3 standard attached-IFV ORBAT.
- Player count increased to 24.
- Exterior seating removed.
- Infantry now rides in unarmed Marids.
- IFV callsigns changed to IFV1 and IFV2.
- Balance updates.

v4 issues:
- Texture application should be standardised.
- Check backpacks and vests are the correct colour.
- Recon Team callsign is incorrect.
- Tanks DLC may change Marid crew count.

v5: T A N K S
- Updated F3 to 3.5.1
- Didn't check backpacks and vests (oops)
- Corrected recon team callsign and markers
- Removed Marid gunners
- Marids updated to v2
- Added 3.5.1 spectators
- Added second recon team to maintain player count
- Player cap increased
- Replaced PCMLs with MAAWS

- Updated spectator
- Changed vests to tac vests
- Fixed wrong NVGs
- Changed RCO to ARCO
- Updated unarmed Marid classes
- Removed guns from unarmed Marids
- Updated textures
- Improved balance
FA missions & session host. Tank appreciater.

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