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[Tue] 05 August 2014 (Go Pro, Go Weird)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 9:21 pm
by audiox
  • Halfway 2 a 3 Way
  • Kav SE
  • Laying Plans
  • Raidolo
  • Karts
Thanks to the 30 comrades who came to play tonight.

First, we got an object lesson in why you should always use the mission testing server before uploading to main... :oops: Also, we got an unfriendly reminder of why we don't slot snipers particularly often.
Then Tigershark led us to victory over Kav SE, which was awfully nice of him. Bravos experience involved quite the bit of comms-confusion, which might have led to full-on insanity for some of our members. Rumors of raving, scantily clad people towards mission end are of course nothing but capitalist propaganda.
After that we took Laying Plans for a run, and discovered the true power of the CO-flanking force. And an old favourite enemy of ours, the man-eating cargo crate.

As ever, please post your thoughts, feedback, screenshots and video here - comrade YouTube Hero SuperU doesn't just produce our video idents, but provides leadership and guidance to propaganda artists. We also have a new YouTube channel that he manages so if you have any content you think should feature then let him know and he will sort you out, for more info check out this thread!; more guidance on video editing for Folk ARPS is provided by comrade Ferrard Carson. Posts in the AAR threads really help us (the hosts and mission makers), both with understanding how we can improve the experiences, and showing potential comrades what our sessions are like.

Re: [Tue] 05 August 2014 (Go Pro, Go Weird)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 10:25 pm
by boberro
Laying Plans NATO UAV saboteur
I joined only for this mission, it was a disaster and it was beautiful. Somehow I managed to lose my UAV - I had it on my back, and I think I deployed it underwater when getting into the boat. Because of that we never realized that Madtoaster was on our backs :commissar:

Image Image

Re: [Tue] 05 August 2014 (Go Pro, Go Weird)

Posted: Tue Aug 05, 2014 11:36 pm
by audiox
Halfway 2 A 3 Way
All right, five minutes 'till session start and everything seems ok, now all i have to do is get the briefing files that i forgot copy pasted, then save as, and i'm good. :hist101:

UNLESS i "save as" with an incremented mission number relative to the folder/mission name. Because everybody knows that that ruins everything, right? :bang: :bang: :roll:
So that got everything off to a good start. :?

I also think i should let you in on my reasoning for the Sniper Teams, as they appeared to be way more overpowered than i expected... :cop:

Basically, what i wanted was for there to be no reason what so ever for you to be loitering in the streets in town. I thought two snipers would incentivize you to stay off the streets and move in a targeted and fast manner from house to house, never spending much time in streets and using lots of smoke to obfuscate. Peering through windows with exciting fear, was the idea.
That was the intention, but the snipers seem too strong for even that. Also, i don't know if you were picked off whilst in vehicles or when you dismounted, but i can only assume so.

Re: [Tue] 05 August 2014 (Go Pro, Go Weird)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 9:21 am
by Aqarius
Halfway 2 a 3 Way
So, brand new mission, flags all over the place, this ought to be interes-oh, briefing's busted. Oh well, we'll be briefed oldschool. We drive in the vehicles we're in, we ram the town, ASL looks for our guy, while we duke it out under the watchful eye of our sniper team. So, we spawn in and -what's that, we're dismounted?. Oh well, CO and ASL in lead techie, A1 in next, A2 in hunter, snipers on buddybike. I get in, one more guy gets in, I go, and get passed by the bike. Halfway in, the bike stops, I brake to not hit him, A1 breaks to not hit me and throws out a wheel. So, I hit the town, hit a wire mesh and throw a wheel, dismount, and check elements: A2 coming up, A1 on foot, way, waaay to far behind, snipers in position, and ASL -what do you mean still in the starting town? OK, nevermind, I'll go look, the others can secure the town.
As I was running around, I hear CSAT are here and have found the officer. So, I rush forward, fight some CSAT, and get the 'CSAT win' screen.

I feel there are elements of this mission that serve functions other that the intended one, but can't really pinpoint exactly what they are. :confused:

Kav SE
Coming up in two waves, Alpha set up on te southern side of the ridge, and under IFV cover advanced into the first settlement. On the way, I discussed ROE with the crew, noting that exploratory autocannon fire is not-[spectator script]. Damn sneaky AI.

The mission was finished through careful manuevering and covering fire (read: shells and lots of them)

Laying Plans
Fine, I'll take lead again.
MISSION FAILURE What??? Anyone else get this? No? Just me? Ok, I can reconnect... OK, we'll stock up on satchels, get to the boats and make a daring beachead assault and [note from host: the weapons on the speedboats, you can't use them] OK, whatever. We'll stock up on satchels and make a daring covert landing [no backpacks] Fine, we'll loot the checkpoint along the way [also, NATO, those statics you're on, don't use them] WHO MADE THIS MISSION, YOU OR ME? Whatever, UAV, scout the oh you lost the UAV, OK, A2 secure the base and cover, A1 advance into the buildings, we'll do this the old-fashioned way [guy behind us] Ok, A2 loop back and kill him. He dead? Good. MMG, move to MMG down. We need to get closer, A2 board the tru Truck stuck on a rock CSAT sunday drivers Fine, whatever, A1 cover and A1 pinned, OK, A2 move and A2 pinned. Fine, I'll go do this myself MISSION FAILURE :suicide:

Re: [Tue] 05 August 2014 (Go Pro, Go Weird)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 5:42 pm
by Kefirz
Yep, we played karts :laugh:

Re: [Tue] 05 August 2014 (Go Pro, Go Weird)

Posted: Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:07 pm
by WrathzRevenge
Kav SE - Alpha
Toaster did a good job taking over.

Re: [Tue] 05 August 2014 (Go Pro, Go Weird)

Posted: Thu Aug 07, 2014 10:56 am
by fer