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[Tue] 04 Oct (Five Nine Nine)

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2016 6:13 pm
by audiox
This is our 599'th session guys!

Many thanks to the 15+ comrades who came along for it.

First we played Power Struggle, where our advantageous position and overwhelming firepower made sure no AI was left alive. :jihad:
Then we went on to play Last Resort, where our disadvantageous position and overwhelming AI firepower made sure none of us was left alive. :dance:
After that we went Uphill From Here, where we once again lived up to the old FA curse of the mission maker dying first! :commissar:
Regroup And Rearm saw us play a friendly game of WoW in heavy fog. And since i once again died first i get to write this right now! :suicide:
And to wrap it up we went drug hunting in Drug Factory. Where the assault went swimmingly and the retreat went beached whaleley. :clint:

Today we played :
  • Power Struggle
  • Last Resort
  • Uphill From Here
  • Regroup And Rearm¨
  • Drug Factory
Afterparty :
  • Rally Georgetown
  • Rally Lijnhaven

Re: [Tue] 04 Oct (Five Nine Nine)

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2016 12:10 pm
by DirtyHarry
Mission: Regroup And Rearm
Role: Netkevs henchmen no.4
TL;DR: Crate worship on an industrial scale, Sassy Netkev. Bobbero asked for it.

I had a baaad feeling about this mission before it had began, GeEom note:Feelings justified was leading. We were strapped with pistols with the promise of better weapons as the mission progressed. First, we would have to re-regroup.

With a sense of trepidation note:what?we advanced up the crest and over the top only to find a factory/ barracks sized building with a number of armed troops protecting it. Netkev ordered that Red team deal with a close threat whilst blue team push forward. It was both aggressive and passive but swift all the same.

At this point the enemies had been neutralised in the immediate area. It was now time for phase 2; deal with the convoy.
Our mines were placed, our intel was good, we just had to wait. Just as crouching tigers seek the perfect opportunity to pounce on their prey we waited for the enemy to cross our mines....
"NOW!" came the call. We missed. Nevertheless, we opened fire with some choosing full auto despite the fact ammo was scarce. Bravery.

From this point it was a case of following the road towards the enemy convoy to ensure its total destruction. Zitron had decided that A1 was a far more attractive group of fellas and attempted to join them. He...reconsidered his options once he got there. note:pardon granted

Perhaps it was the leaking Truck fuel in the air but there was a certain...cavalierness to Netkevs command. He pushed us forward, this way, that way. Demanded that "all 40mm's are mine!" before finally remarking after Bobbero was shot "he deserved it" note:Friendly fire incident report not required.

The rest of mission is quite difficult to describe and so I have commissioned a local "graphic visualizer" to render my account of events.

*explosive ordnance
Late, noteworthy addition: Strumpie was UAV controller and GeEom had said he was "the best". "better than Netkev". note:citation needed

Mission: Drug Factory
Role: A2 FTL

Transcript from debriefing
Interviewer name: [REDACTED]
interviewee: DirtyHarry

Hello DirtyHarry, please, take a seat
Audible: chair dragging in concrete floor

How are you today. Its been a busy day no comrade?
It is but an honour to serve Sir

Tut, tut, tut. We are not on parade here comrade. Im am not even an officer.
I see. What is this about?

This? this is an exercise in [-pause-] character development, you could say. I just need to ask you a few questions
Certainly, what you like to know.

You volunteered for FTL (Fire team leader) is that correct?

Excellent. May I ask why?
It was an opportunity to serve and lead my brothers

I see. We'll touch on that later The mission comrade. A drug factory [-pause-] correct?

And what were you to do with this drug factory?
Destroy it, burn it to the ground.

Please tell me. How did you accomplish this?. In your words, in full.

Let me see. It was an early morning raid. We would use the cover of darkness for our approach in helicopters. Zitron.

Zit [-pause-] tron?
Yes. Zitron.

Audible scribbles
He was our pilot. Very good too. My team began loading up but unfortunately in the wrong helicopter. We regrouped and loaded on to our helicopter.
Once air bourne we headed out to our LZ. It was Quiet and clear. We were not supplied night vision, however, it was understood that morning light would be soon.

Once landed I instructed that strumpie

Strum [-pause-]pie!?
Yes, strumpie. I ordered that he take point and lead us in a column formation. Upon approaching the tree line we assumed a combat walking pace.

Combat pace? Explain that to me
Combat pace is a slow, concerned advance. Guns up.

Doesn't sound very effect. Do you have concern for your own life comrade?
What? no. Of course not.

Carry on.
We were already on our trail at this point. We were alpha 2 and alpha 1, lead by Netkev.
Ah yes, Netkev. I have spoken to him already. He was a good man.[-pause-] Carry on.
As I was saying, Sir. We headed into thick jungle and quickly approaching our first waypoint. We were ordered to hold position.

Who ordered you?

audible clearing throat.
Carry on.
I told the team to spread out and find cover. It was shortly after this we were engaged by the enemy.

They engaged you!?
audible slamming on table.
Yes. A protracted fire-fight was established. We were, however, a stronger force and slowly drove them back whilst advancing at a steady pace.
The jungle began to clear and we could see the Drug factory in sight.

I see. And this where you were ordered to destroy them correct?

But you told command you didn't have explosives. correct?
No. I mean yes. I thought I didn't but i did.

I see. Carry on.
Command had already blown up the first factory.

Oh? and how did that go?
There was some confusion. He had told A1 to clear but he meant us.

And this [-pause-] you believe was an accident yes?
Yes. I mean, of course.

Carry on comrade.
I placed my explosives by the flammable barrels and denotated. They didn't exploded.

A decoy maybe? Tell me. Why didn't you place the explosives by the drugs equipment?
I had assumed the fuel tanks would cause a big enough explosion to destroy the entire encampment.

I see. Carry on.
Command deemed the operation a success. We were now to prepare for a counter attack. A1 and A2 took opposite sides of the trail heading West.
Sure enough, A group of heavily armed men began their assault. I took a number of casualties.

What about him?

He was found with bullet holes in the back. Strange, one might say if the enemy was in front.
I don't know anything about that.

No matter. He was under investigation. Please continue.
We repelled the initial force but we were ordered to retreat.
audible Grinding of teeth maybe?
We were cut down. Shado was left behind but after consideration. It was felt he was worth attempting a rescue. Netkev himself attempted the rescue.
After which, all but two of us were alive. Two brothers, I forget their name attempt to flee by vehicle. There [-pause-] was an incident.

He ran his friend over. Didn't he?
I can't recall

Can't recall? or won't.
I don't recall. They patched themselves up and headed down the road. Mission complete.

Mission complete? I see. The drugs though. Are they destroyed?
well, I mean. Most were.

Most is not all is it comrade. You see, in my job, I don't do things "almost" or say "most of it". Its done. 100%.

I see. And what is your job?

Party executioner Interviewer
Audible Distorded banging sound. Possible Makarov.

Re: [Tue] 04 Oct (Five Nine Nine)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 8:09 pm
by Reppyboyo

Not much but its something.

Very much enjoyed this session.

Re: [Tue] 04 Oct (Five Nine Nine)

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 1:05 am
by Ciaran
The session is a bit of a blur due to man-flu, but hey, if I post something here I can keep the threads in chronological order.

Power Struggle
I was medic in this mission, which meant I had a Mk20C. Despite this being the worst gun in Arma for any engagement past 200m, I decided I should probably sit and take shots at the enemy 500m away for the hell of it, and even managed to kill one guy. Later I ended up running a few hundred metres across an open field to make it to whichever Alpha FT had Netkev in it, amazingly not being shot by the enemy.

Drug Factory
Ended up being one of the surviving two of the mission; probably because I realised that things were turning bad in the AO and sprinted out like the man-flu stricken soldier I was (more likely due to my lack of value for Shado''s life).

(screenshots stolen from Shado''s later recovered body)