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Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 4:28 pm
by Wilson
I'm David, in game name Wilson which is also my RL sure name (original I know!). I'm from the UK just north of London. I've been gaming with FA for the past few months having played the series only casually with my current and past clans since OFP. Found these guys trough a recommendation from a shacktac video, emailed Fer and the rest in history.

Not the greatest ArmA player but I do try. Also dabble in mission editing and hoping to get one made for FA once times allows me to do so. Used to making missions for smaller numbers so just messing about with stuff for now.

Hopefully see you this coming Sunday, missed past couple of sessions due to work and christmas.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:51 pm
by IceRaiser
Hi my nick is IceRaiser (or Ice-rizzy if you ask SuperÜ).
I've been playing with ARPS for quite some time, I invited myself after talking alot with SvDvorak after he'd played a few sessions and now it seems like I'm some sort of "veteran".
Also, for some wierd reason, "everyone" think they'll win in Generals and Cholo if I'm on their team O.o I don't see why... :hist101:
I love flying helicopters and planes and I'm known to "go Rambo" and "-IceRaiser, go do your thing" has been ordered several times.

IRL my name's Victor, I'm 24 and work as an Alarm/CCTV Operator at G4S and I'm also a Sgt. in the Home Guard("National Guard") and I live in the Royal Capital of Sweden - Stockholm.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 5:03 am
by whitesymphonia

I'm Kevin, in game/TS as whitesymphonia, hailing from the New Jersey/New York area, in the US. Currently attending school at Texas A&M, studying Biomedical Science as an undergrad, so I'll often be changing timezones depending if I'm on break or not. Originally started Arma 2 after reading about DayZ on RPS. I was always a more hardcore player who liked the harder difficulties and the challenges it brought. Loved DayZ, but realized I loved vanilla Arma 2 more. Played on some random servers for a bit before settling in with the Yorkshire Puddings ( Still play with them quite a bit. Usually vanilla Arma, and depending on who's on, ACE/ACRE or I44. That or steam games we all happen to own.

Found out about FOLK ARPS from RPS and played my first session on New Years, had just gotten back from a hearty lunch and did not want to move at all, so it was perfect. Always wanted to play with a more organized crew. Usually ran with small squads, 10 man if we got lucky in the server. Tend to enjoy playing OPfor mostly for the crappier weapons and the challenge of fighting a better armed force. Although I love flying helis in Arma. Took it upon myself to learn how to land one manually without autohover, mostly for DayZ. (This was before I knew about the autohover function actually...)

List of crap of real life stuff I do, but I guess the most interesting ones, or the ones I'm most proud of is being on of the moderators of our school's Humans Versus Zombies game, among other urban games. So yea, I love zombie games. Proficient in music, 14 years of piano, can play both sweet potato and english pendant ocarinas well, men's choir first year of college and starting to teach myself Violin. So, Zombies, Videogames and Music :D

Also, I probably won't make Tuesday sessions as much seeing how the times end up being in the afternoon for me. Sunday's my best bet.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:05 am
by Kefirz
Salam aleikum!

I'm a high school student from Latvia, the country on the other side of the ''curtain'' :D I was playing A2:Free at the RPS server at first and I had some fun times, met some dudes that liked the organized approach also, so we teamed up and did everything ''tactical and shit'', I believe that is the correct military phrase. After the Domi's on the free server I bought A2:CO on a sale for one reason only - to join ARPS and Folk. Never regretted my purchase.
In real life I still go to school of course :D , also I'm involved in the military, if you need a tank blown up call no other :jihad: After graduating I plan to study Economics in The Netherlands. And I have to say, I think Arma2 has improved my English better than any teacher can :D

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 4:29 pm
by Black Mamba
Helo everybody. Name in Arma's Black Mamba, that comes from a (really clever) joke back in the days in the first group I played with. You can find me about everywhere else under the name Drunk Idiot, or Yann, which is the real one. I'm french, and that says it all, doesn't it?
Regarding the game itself, I suck at it, but defend myself at scripting. I kinda like it, acually. I briefly played OFP, then moved away from it and got back to it when Arma 2 came out. Been playing with two groups since, and still wear the Tag from the Drunk Idiots With Guns, which really never got that far after we basically each went out own way. Heard about Folk on the BI forums, contacted Fer, and there I was.
I am also a mission maker, but have trouble finishing my projects (last count showed 24 missions left unfinished on my computer, missing briefings, markers or just a better idea regarding the scenario).

IRL, I'm an engineer in Landscape and Land Settlement, although I'm currently paying new studies in Coastline Management and Protection by being a Math Teacher. I'm 24 now, and when I'm not scripting stuff, I'm either playing drums, listening to music or flying a glider. Either case, I'm drunk.

See y'all soon on the field.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2013 9:15 pm
by audiox
Bang Howdy!
My name alternates between Gerhard/IRL and audiox/online. I'm still working on ensuring that this causes a permanent personality split.
I'm from that place in the north that is almost europe and almost not, namely Norway. Polar bears and stuff, yeah! Or just a lot of rain and approximately 7-10 degrees year around. No wonder people here invented the concept of multiplayer first person shooter games back in the Viking ages. Luckily for me, i grew up with Valhalla installed on my nearest computer, and all us kids got the point pretty fast.

I am one of the many DayZ players who played DayZ for a day or two, enjoyed it, got bored, and then somehow got drawn into the maelstrom of Folk. Which was great! I've tried to learn the ropes over the course of this autumn, and will probably expose you all to the heinous war-crime of forcing you to play with me as SL or CO in not too long. :hist101:
This kind of large scale organized play was completely new to me, (MMORPG whut?!), and it is, besides some turn based strategy, the only thing i can be bothered to play any longer. It is really fun to play something that relies so much on communication in a battlespace that can alter so quickly.
Oh, i also want to play with helicopter simulations, but i haven't afforded myself pedals yet. (The TrackIR took precedence. :D )
Mission making seems cool, but i doubt i have the time and patience for it. Thanks a lot to those who do though!

By day I'm involved in the norwegian state's large scale re-enactment of Kindergarten Cop. This is truly a socialist experiment on a large scale, a Kimble in every kindergarten worker! But hey, it's pretty great. It's an outdoor focused kindergarten, so i spend 4+ hours a day outdoors (mostly in the forest) playing with kids. It is almost as chaotic as your average Folk/ARPS-session!
Other than that i spend my time swimming and gymming and playing with these here newfangled massive open online courses from yanquis universities. Boardgames happen when we have the time, and i DM a weekly D&D(Pathfinder) session for my friends. (I'm currently introducing them to the gentle joys of Rappan Athuk, in case you were wondering... :twisted: )

There is also the occasional trikeride, which is the closest i'll ever get to affording a Morgan.... :D

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:05 am
by Issus
Cripes, this thread doesn't half make me feel old.

Hi, I'm Mike, also known as the unfortunately-named Issus/"Eye-sus"/"Issues". Long ago, in the misty depths of computing history, I had to come up with a gamer tag on the spot. For some reason I picked this one out of a nearby book on Alexander the Great and... yeah. It's a bit late to change it all now really.

I started playing ARMA in the summer, after finally getting enough of a stable income to justify a new gaming rig. I'd been wanting to join in for a while, so I was (pleasantly) surprised when I found lots of other new people who were trying it out, either because of DayZ or other reasons. It was incredibly overwhelming at first, and to be honest I think I'm only just getting to grips with it.

I'm a bit quiet (both in game and generally), and I've not done a great deal of cooperative multiplayer before, thanks to a rural upbringing and periods where my machine has been practically steam driven. Used to play some Planetside back in the day, and have attempted to get back into PS2, but that's about it.

In RL, I'm the wrong side of thirty (just), a northerner living in exile in London, and I spend my days running a small marketing company. As such, my busy schedule often leaves me exhausted from constantly exploiting the workers, so It's nice to pretend I own an armoured tractor and a Lee Enfield in the evenings.

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:56 pm
by delcake
Hey all! My name is delcake, short for Delicious Cake, but more frequently just shortened to Cake. I'm from USA-land so unfortunately I don't expect my schedule to match up too well with everyone else here but I'm aiming to start coming to the Sunday sessions and the workshops beforehand.

My experience with ARMA is minimal at best, with most of it coming from DayZ. I do at least have a passing familiarity with the controls as a result though, so that's one obstacle down! I had always wanted to get into ARMA proper but bounced off single player several times, and then I learned of the Rock Paper Shotgun group some time back. For a while, participating in it seemed like a far-off goal just because I barely made any progress in single player, but I think the 2012-in-review video posted to RPS has finally swung me around and made me want to make a real stab at it.

My other go-to game of the moment is Planetside 2 where I seem to have become the de facto squad leader. For that alone, reading through the Fail Avoidance discussions have been very enlightening. I think the whole of Planetside 2 would benefit if the players learned to respect fire lanes, for there are soooo many team kills. I hope to be able to step up as a FTL and even Squad Lead after I am sufficiently acquainted with ARMA.

Moving on to real life, my name is Ryan and I am 24. I live in College Station, Texas. I graduated from Texas A&M (why hello there whitesymphonia) with a degree in Technology Management a little shy of two years ago and am currently working a job in Desktop Support (Have you tried turning it off and on again?). When I'm not at work, I spend my time getting neck-deep in video games, practicing musical instruments including the violin, piano, and guitar, participating in a D&D (Pathfinder) game, and with my fiancée taking care of and riding our horses.

I look forward to playing with you all!

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:19 am
by Halop

I hail from Latvia. I'm a full time student, freshman, studying Computer Engineering in Riga. I don't live in Riga itself, but it's a short commute by train.

Discovered OFP in 2005, and loved it, but didn't join any multiplayer groups.
Got Arma1 in 2007, buggy mess at launch, but after a few patches it turned into an awesome game, but the campaign was horrible so I started getting into multiplayer.
Found a public server and played Evolution (Domi's grandpa) with a few people there for a time, but didn't join any group still.
Spent alot if time in the editor making some SP missions, downloaded loads of addons, missions, campaigns etc.

I got Arma2 on release also, but I only got into multiplayer when I started playing with ARPS.
While reading RPS I saw an advert by someone in the comments advertising ARPS, they said no addons or registration required - just join up and play. I thought - why not, and here I am :D . It was late March 2012 when I started playing, I remember the first mission I was HAT assistant, crawled behind a rock, dropped my rockets on the ground, and watched as the gunner shot a Metis at a truck, we were ambushing a convoy or something. Then in the next mission I killed my fireteam with a frag grenade - now I never throw grenades if I am under a tree :siiigh:

Re: Introduce yourself

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2013 1:11 pm
by Siaynoq
It's my turn now...

I'll be honest - I joined the ARMA2 scene for DayZ (and I call it "DayZed", not "DayZee" :P ). I know this is usually not a good start, but I wouldn't have bought ARMA2 just for itself back those days. I was so overwhelmed with Battlefield BC2 and 3 - and ARMA2 seemed too hardcore. Back to the topic: it was always on my mind that I have a FULL game (sorry, "military simulator"), and I only use around 20% of it.
After the RPS article about "Folk ARPS" I knew I have to try "the real thing", so I was enrolled on the 8th of January, 2013 :D

My "realer" life: I'm originally from Hungary, but living with my family in Ireland, near Dublin (cheers, "wafflynumber"). I am a kind of a programmer, but it's not that exciting compared to playing ARMA2 multiplayer :P I honestly don't know how to pronounce my nickname (a beer to someone who at least know what it means), so I might rename myself to my real first name: Zoltan. We'll see :)

Looking forward playing with you! :geek: