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[Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2014 11:13 pm
by fer
  • Clearance Sale
  • Mail Man
  • Swept II
  • Castell
  • Raidolo
  • Raidolo (again)
  • Racethunder XL (comrade Zitron wins)
You know what's cool? Starting an AAR thread at 00:05 UK, over 4 hours after the session started. You know what's also cool? Having 47 comrades show up to the session, and still seeing 37 slot for mission #4, around 2 hours into the session. But do you know what isn't cool, comrades? That's right: Tigershark isn't cool; but we love him anyway. In a platonic, non-contact, never-alone-in-a-room-with-him kind of way. Thank you to everyone who came along tonight, it was an epic session.


The session began with a new mission from the Bodgist faction, Clearance Sale. Under the command of comrade CO Ferrard Carson, an almost complete NATO infantry platoon moved in on the town of Rodopoli. Alpha and Bravo were the main force, pushing methodically through the gently undulating meadowland east of the town, whilst Charlie flanked all the way around to a hill to the west, from which they rained down death upon the enemy garrison. Overall, it was really superb stuff from everyone, and after nearly an hour of fighting the town was cleared of enemies (with only a few casualties taken on our side).

Next up was Tigershark's remake of his Folk-era classic, Mail Man, the action now transplanted to the very centre of Altis. Unfortunately, at the start of this mission the terrible 'exploding helicopter' bug instantly deprived us of a heavy transport helo and the LB, as well as their pilots, an NSA engineer and 1-2 other platoon members. However, comrade CO Draakon held firm and sent Alpha and Bravo squads in anyway. The LZ was hot, and in a moment of pure horror the pilot of the helo carrying Bravo slumped over his controls, dead, sending the bird spinning towards the ground and a fiery death for all aboard. Alone, and taking fire from all sides, Alpha held the crash site and initiated the data transfer. By the time Charlie and the rest of the platoon arrived in the second lift, the data had been secured. With the aid of many smoke grenades and covering fire from Charlie, the surviving members of Alpha and the remaining NSA engineer extracted from the crash site (officially, in a helo piloted by comrade AirBlade, who did some neat flying throughout the mission). Let's hope the data was worth the lives of so many comrades. And not just pornogr--

After two exciting coops, we turned to the asymmetric adversarial, Swept II. Slotting a squad-sized sweeping force under comrade ASL Mamuto, the fleeing FIA platoon under comrade CO SuperU numbered two full squads and an MAT attachment. The FIA platoon elected to stand and fight, creating two treeline ambushes. Bravo squad, under comrade BSL Ferrard Carson, predicted a bloody knife-fight with the enemy ... and got it: the sweeping force walked right onto Bravo's position and an incredibly bloody few minutes ensued. Nearly half of the sweeping force was knocked out, but Carson's squad was near-destroyed - many cut down by comrade Denel, who slipped in behind the ambush line and butchered many men. By the time comrade CO SuperU called on Alpha and any survivors from Bravo to fall back to the nearby farmhouse, only two members of Bravo remained. SuperU's men attempted to make a stand at that farm compound, but the sweeping force cleverly fanned out its remaining men and engaged the FIA fighters from the south. Judicious use of grenades and rockets forced the clustered FIA fighters out of the compound, and eventually a surviving handful broke eastwards, for the coast. All but one were cut down, but ST!NG made it to the beach, hauled himself into a boat and rode it to the waiting trawler. The world will know our story!

The final major mission of the session was an updated version of Castell. Actually, before that, we enjoyed a mini-game in which element leaders were selected by volunteering to pilot an attack helo (an honour that eventually went to comrade Corporal Crane). Under comrade CO AudioX, almost two full squads supported by 2 IFVS and the aforementioned attack helo launched an assault on the hilltop village of Oreokastro. The initial attack (from the southern ridge) and aerial bombardment appeared to go well. However, things began to break down as the platoon crossed the valley and entered the south of the village: Bravo fired on Alpha during the movement, killing several comrades. In the village, the situation got worse as the enemy rained mortars down upon our forces. Eventually, the surviving IFV got stuck on some rocks, and the Party - in a rare, rare act - authorised a hot extraction using the Hind-like qualities of the attack helo. Comrade pilot Corporal Crane performed a perfect landing on the southern edge of the village, loaded in the survivors - including the IFV crew - and took off, destroying the crippled IFV so that the Party's technical secrets remain denied to the enemy. It was pretty glorious, albeit a failure (technically).

As ever, please post your thoughts, feedback, screenshots and video here - comrade YouTube Hero SuperU doesn't just produce our video idents, but provides leadership and guidance to propaganda artists. We also have a new YouTube channel that he manages so if you have any content you think should feature then let him know and he will sort you out, for more info check out this thread!; more guidance on video editing for Folk ARPS is provided by comrade Ferrard Carson. Posts in the AAR threads really help us (the hosts and mission makers), both with understanding how we can improve the experiences, and showing potential comrades what our sessions are like.


Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:13 am
by Universal
Had some pretty huge fun tonight, and captured lots of video. From now on I'm gonna try to edit them down a good bit, unless the party would prefer the unexpurgated record?

Here is my war report from Clearance sale:

Mail man features some classic videogaming helicopter tragedy at around 1:20. I apologise in advance for... Well you'll see...

Swept II sees me soiling my uniform and running away. Also, check out my absolutely textbook trigger discipline at 0:50.

And the final vid: Castell is just some pretty epic WAR.

Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 2:33 am
by Ferrard Carson
I return from an extended stay at <Designated Party Recreational Facility #3> for rest and salubrious rejuvenation. What better way to express my joyful return than to order the lot of you to an early grave?

Clearance Sale
Deployed as Glorious Comrade CO Carson
A beautiful summer's morning to you - LET'S GO KILL SOME PEOPLE! See, CSAT has occupied the peaceful little town of Rodopoli, and we are going to pry the city back from their grubby little paws.

We started maybe a klick to the northeast of Rodopoli. I intended Bravo and Alpha to bound directly southwest towards the city - a small, forested hillock was in front of our staging point, with a be-chapel'd hill three-hundred meters beyond it that looked directly into the town itself. Bravo was to take that first hillock, Alpha would get the hill and chapel, then Bravo would press directly into the city with Alpha's support. To the far north, Charlie was to skirt around the edge of the enemy garrison and seize the commanding hill to the west-northwest of town.

Charlie's part in the plan went off without a hitch. They double-timed it across a wide-open plain, coming under fire, but progressing at speed despite a momentary pause to suppress the offending patrol. In no time at all they had passed through the lee of the hill and seized the summit, where they looked over the town, just in time for Alpha to arrive on their objective.

Alpha and Bravo had a far rockier (forest-ier?) time. That forested hillock featured far more forest than hill, rendering Bravo's position unsuited for supporting fires. This, however, is a classic example of a problem that is solved by throwing bodies at it!

:hist101: (ogawd why do we ever put Ferrard in charge?) :hist101:

Instead of that classy bounding movement I had planned out, both Alpha and Bravo formed a two-squad line and pressed forward at a slow and steady pace, dashing from rock to tree to stone wall in buddy pairs, and slowly rolling up the opposition as we continued. A Gorgon showed its face and dared to sprinkle us with grenades, but Bravo and the attached MAT element settled his hash with little trouble.

Alpha achieved the hill, only to come under withering fire. Their squad leader, in a brilliant show of initiative, pushed the squad into the town itself, beginning to chew its way block by block while Charlie was directed down the hill to join in the urban combat. Bravo to our south and east was, unfortunately, floundering under light contact.

Down a few men, Bravo had come under fire from patrols to the south. Most had been dealt with through massed fires, but the entire squad was bunched up in the cover of a two-story house with some stone walls providing a false sense of security from which they plinked at targets. Downrange, a single automatic rifleman spat bullets back at them.

This is a classic case where fire-and-maneuver can be employed very smartly. With multiple intact fireteams, the best traditions of battle demand that one of them be sent on an off-axis advance, using the fire-element's distraction to move closer, or at least at a different angle to the enemy. When no such maneuver element materialized out of Bravo, my medic and I charged out into the field to take its place. One machinegunner is not a threatening foe. Before we could close and redistribute that autorifleman's brains, however, Alpha and Charlie finished clearing through the town and victory was ours!

Special Note: I'd like to uphold Special Needs Charlie Squad as a brilliant example of the FA command structure working beautifully. I gave the Squad Leader an objective and an intent: Loop around the north, and seize the western hills to provide cover or to serve as a jumping-off point for an assault. I gave the Squad Leader the platoon's big gun (MMG Team) to compensate for their 2-fireteam strength. And then I stepped back and focused on the more complicated situation with Alpha and Bravo. Charlie Squad Lead accomplished those goals, and even dealt with contact in transit smoothly and without breaking stride. Bravo!

Mail Man
Deployed as Astral Squad Leader
We began the mission with the ritual sacrifice of detonating pre-loaded choppers (unfortunately, putting the pilots in their chairs still counts as pre-loading). After that, we in Bravo discovered that one of B1's men had put a little too much stock into astral projection, and despite our best efforts, we could not get his spirit to return to his drooling body.

Which was just as well, because we skated into the AO, our pilot ate a lead sandwich right through the windscreen, and we smashed into the ground in a flaming ball of fiery, flaming wreckage. On fire.


Swept II
Deployed as BluFor Bravo Squad Leader
"Hey, hold this forest. Alpha and I are going to go over... there, kthxbai!" Wait, what?

As a 14-man squad, we got the unenviable task of holding a forest in the middle of a foggy valley with no one watching our backs or providing supporting fires. A 100m ridge separated us and Alpha squad. With a sinking feeling that someone in my squad was sleeping with the CO's daughter, I set about making the best of a really crappy situation. Seeing as it was extremely foggy, and the valley floor was open to being fired upon from both sides, I sized up the situation.

CSAT would be coming soon, and if they worked the angles anything like I would, they would have a covering element high on the hills to our sides, and a maneuver element down in the valley itself. From this low ground, we would lose any long-range firefights with CSAT's larger caliber rifles, especially seeing as we were on complete numerical parity instead of having an advantage - Alpha was far too far away to support.

What we did have, however, was a heavily forested northern hillside and a small bend in the valley where another small ridge bulged out into the valley. In order to proceed through the valley, the enemy would have to crest that bulge. I positioned Bravo in a tight line not 10 meters behind that bulge, with orders to conceal themselves from the top of the opposite ridgeline. We would draw in their maneuver element and obliterate them while studiously denying their fire element any point targets to fire upon.

And it worked. Bravo 2 in the middle was nigh trod upon by the enemy, and the squad opened up, wiping an entire enemy fireteam plus a few stragglers off the map in a few brief, vicious seconds. I began to worry as our fire intensified even as the enemy fire slackened, and gave the order, "B1, B3, do not fire towards B2's contacts!" Not five seconds later, I heard the distinct sound of a 5.56 rifle going off behind me, I felt hot lead course through my thoracic cavity, and Zenzos, the dirty traitor, had friendly-fired me while shooting at B2's contacts.

From the afterlife, I watched him receive an epic comeuppance, however. Mr. Denel had somehow escaped the slaughter that was the killzone front of my squad and now my squad was in front of him. He snuck up behind everyone, readied his rifle, and then basically turned into John Matrix. In the end, Bravo was completely wiped from the map, and SuperU and Alpha Squad carried on to send one lone survivor forth to tell the tale.

Congrats, on your cool dozen kills, Denel :coolbert:

Deployed as Attack Helo Pilot IFV1 Commander
CSAT is facing some cutbacks. With the world economy tanking the way it is, they've ended up making an entire platoon of helicopter pilots. I went to flight school with all these fine comrades, but we no longer have glorious whirly-birds of ceramic-steel death at our hands - now we just have rifles. Well, they all have rifles. I got myself a nice, cushy ride with plush leather seats and...

Are they welding us inside? NO, LET US OUT, LET US OUT!

More seriously: You can't turn out in a BTR-K. Despite there very clearly being hatches modeled on the thing for driver, gunner, and commander. You. Cannot. Turn. Out.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)

After some confusing logistics involving troop shuffling and loading and unloading and a magnetic pine tree (don't ask about it), we found ourselves in an overwatch position. Unable to turn out, I instead dumped out the back door and directed Boberro into a nice hull-down position from which The Red Sniper solved 600 problems a minute with his 6.5mm coax. I spotted targets for him, but before I could really relay them, he would fill them with lead. I did see a corpse on an AT launcher in town, but I thought nothing of it. "A corpse," I thought, "can't press the firing stud."

And then Bravo crossed behind us. Bravo's IFV trundled across the open terrain after them. We followed, and got 360-corner-scoped by the newly re-crewed Titan AT launcher.


Seriously - if you drew a line from the launcher to our burning pyre, it passed through a good 3-feet of house. The bastard curved the missile, which is just patently unfair :argh: :argh: :argh:

In conclusion...

I am happy to have returned from <Designated Party Recreational Facility #3>. Welcome back, Comrade!

:clint: ~ Ferrard

Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 5:20 am
by Snippers
Clearance Sale
B3? - FTL (Haka - AR, Sting - AAR, snake - RAT)
In this mission B3 followed Comrade BSL Airblade, Bravo were tasked with setting up a firing line in parallel with Alpha squad. With lots of gradual moving up, thankfully there were plenty of small stone walls to hide behind and our fireteam often found itself using them as cover. There was particular set that we spent a lot of time behind, an APC started heading towards us, but it left our visibility before our RAT was ready to engage. We took sustained fire and the entire fireteam were lighting up the approximate squad sized element of enemies heading our way. Unfortunately I was met with a bullet to my face killing me outright and Haka took over command till the end.

Pretty neat mission one of those ones where you think you have most of Altis, and then it just feels completely different. Nice job mission maker!

Mail Man
B2? - FTL
Bravo were all given a first class ticket to a sacrificial flight, unfortunately for us the pilot was shot and all of Bravo were lost during our insertion. In their defence the proposed LZ was pretty damn hot.

Swept II
FIA - MAT Assistant (Delta - MAT Gunner)
This was pretty cool. MAT were attached to Alpha squad throughout this mission. Alpha+MAT's first stop was a set of trees where we camped for the best part of 10 minutes. After hearing about Bravo's fight coming to end we were ordered with moving up. Roughly in the middle of the AO there was a house at the base of a hill with some walls around, Alpha arrived here and MAT took an overwatch position some rocks on the hill, as we could see all of 12 friendlies inside this tight compound. During our overwatch Alpha came under contact from the South. Two CSAT attempted to flank us from the East, it was clear that they didn't see us, admittedly I let one go past as I was still trying to identify friend and foe through checking my map. I shot the second one (Corporal Crane?), and Delta killed the one I let go :D. Then another two CSAT players across the street started pushing up, I killed one crossing the road (Universal?), and another one attempted to open fire whilst prone next a tree (eerms?), I also was able to shoot that player too. Sadly for Alpha heavy losses were taken inside the compound and at this point Alpha was reduced to roughly quarter strength, we followed DC Fer but it was clear the enemy fire in the valley was too great so Delta and I headed up the hill in an attempt to sneak past the enemy. Frankly this was a terrible idea, we attempted to hide in bushes but we were no match for the spotting skills of the AI. (Retrieved names from my kill-list I assume it is ordered by time).

Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 7:59 am
by boberro
Missile that killed us in Castell was even more sneaky than soldier who shoot it. It must have gone around the corner to actually hit us:


Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 10:14 am
by Dawsome
I might have died in the first three missions on first contact, but I had a lot of fun regardless. Spectating comrade Denel and his amazing tactic of flanking and sneaking, taking out hostiles left and right (can't wait for his video). Watching ST!NG running behind enemy lines, taking fire from all directions. But he succeeded and sailed away into the sunset (still taking fire).

Then coop mission Castell came along and under the command of FTL AirBlade and supported by comrades Fer and Aqarius, I redeemed myself (kind of) on the battlefield!

This is for the people that did not attend this event or would like to see part of the misson from another perspective:

(First time making a video with the Folk ARPS guidelines, if I did something wrong please inform me)

Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 11:55 am
by lietuvis10
This was the first session I tried FTLing and it went not all that bad,but it wasn't good either.

Clearence Sale

Summary: Fields are very scary. Compounds with convinient openings towards the fields are also scary.

Alpha 3 Fireteam Leader

The mission started off with entire Alpha squad moving to a compound just West (or was it South-West ? ) of the spawnpoint in order to cover Charlie's and Bravo's advance.

Afterwards it was mostly running alongside tall grass from stone wall to stone wall and clearing occasional shacks,when while approaching we spotted An Enemy Fireteam Patrol. Since the patrol was completely oblivious to our presence or the fact that his buddies were being slaughtered on the other side of the compound,we were given a discreet "Hold Fire and Take Aim". So when the order to fire was given,the suprised patrol went down without giving us even a scratch.

However this was where the real battle begun,as the compound had a big nice opening towards the town and every patrol in the area was aware to our presence.Slowly but surely continuing fire towards the town,A3 and A1 (Or was it A2?) were given orders to take cover behind the stone fences as we prepared to storm the chapel and the windmill on a small hill - ours was chapel. The breach went through without an incident,but what followed was a terrifying spotting of an enemy fireteam in the field to our left. Subsiquiently we were given orders to get inside the town just in front of us,and with little cover on that hill,we mad dashed into the compound across a wide opening,magicly making it there unscrached.

However,our problems didn't end here.We were told to advance towards the Church,but the compounds me move through had lots of openings both towards the fields and the town. With our AT heroicly calling out contacts in the fields before dieing (pardon me for not remembering your name) we opened fire,and the threat was begone. Afterwards,we were joined by a survivor AR from one of Bravo teams ( It was Pacifico,if I remember right ) and continued towards the Church. The Church was suprising empty,with just a couple contacts in the fields being dealt with by Bravo. Afterwards we crossed the street,cleared some more empty compounds and the mission was over with a NATO success.


Summary:Ow god ow god run ow god sh*t I am pinned down ow crap ARs dead,ATs dead,crap crap crap.

Alpha 2 Fireteam Leader

The mission started off with one of choppers (Thankfully not ours) exploding. However we didn't make much fuss about it and just loaded into our Mohawks and were on the way.

Now,even during the briefing I knew this was going to be a hard one,as Alpha was tasked with holding a rocky hill to the south,which had a big nice opening towards the fields and the Pyrgos Highway. However,we weren't expecting what happened. After landing near the crash site during a VERY HOT LZ, we dashed towards our positions,as Alpha 2 had biggest distance to walk. We were tasked to cover West from the rocky part of the hill and during the briefing I though "Phew,I guess we're safe" . Ow how wrong I was.

When I and my AR got to the west part we were greeted by a squad sized OPFOR element opening fire from the ridge to our north-east. I and my AR desperatly scrambled for cover as our AT fell in a gap between 2 rocks. The AR dashed his way towards some rocks to the North and took position there,I following him. However he quicly was hit and while I was trying to heal him, another bullet found its way and ended his virtual life in the future.

Afterwards it mostly consisted of me hiding behind that rock and taking pot shots towards the ridge and Grumpy,my teams AAR hiding behind the rocks to my South East. We were separated by an entire squad putting fire towards me,and I didn't have all that much smoke left - most of it was used up during a panic when my AR was killed and I was CSAT's new target. But then I heard grave news from Grumpy - he was wounded. I called for Squad Medic to go help him out,only to find out he was long dead. I had one FAK in my inventory - the same one I planned to use on my AR. I popped as much smoke as I could and mad dashed through the gap where my AT was resting,alongside the south side of the hill and to Grumpy's position.

With Grumpy back in a good shape,we were recieved great news - apparently one of engeneers managed to download the data through all that hell and an evac LZ was organised. We popped all the smoke we had remaining and started dashing across the field downhill towards where Charlie was supposed to be. We made it to the warehouse,with no smoke left whatsoever,but from there it was supposed to be nothing more than a morning jog. We started going uphill,fatigued by the run,when the OPFOR at the ridge managed to get sight on us and opened fire. I started panicking,with me being fatigued,no nearby cover and no smoke left and then...

... and then it all ended with a "Mission Failed" screen in front of our eyes because the mission maker buggered up the triggers. :argh:


Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 12:18 pm
by zitron
Ferrard Carson wrote:
Alpha achieved the hill, only to come under withering fire. Their squad leader, in a brilliant show of initiative, pushed the squad into the town itself, beginning to chew its way block by block while Charlie was directed down the hill to join in the urban combat. Bravo to our south and east was, unfortunately, floundering under light contact.

Down a few men, Bravo had come under fire from patrols to the south. Most had been dealt with through massed fires, but the entire squad was bunched up in the cover of a two-story house with some stone walls providing a false sense of security from which they plinked at targets. Downrange, a single automatic rifleman spat bullets back at them.

This is a classic case where fire-and-maneuver can be employed very smartly. With multiple intact fireteams, the best traditions of battle demand that one of them be sent on an off-axis advance, using the fire-element's distraction to move closer, or at least at a different angle to the enemy. When no such maneuver element materialized out of Bravo, my medic and I charged out into the field to take its place. One machinegunner is not a threatening foe. Before we could close and redistribute that autorifleman's brains, however, Alpha and Charlie finished clearing through the town and victory was ours!
I was promoted to acting BSL after being promoted to B1 FTL from AT. Completely not ready for the two stage field promotion, having to FTL and SL at the same time, kept talking in group instead of TS. That said, bravo was under fire not just from the south but also enemies came out from the town itself. As you can see in universal's video, not All of bravo was in the house, originally B2 was, and later joined by B3. Why are we in the house? Because our order was to take the OP where the house was at. Also it's not a false sense of security since the house was the best cover near the OP, and we suffered no casualties while at the house. From the house and B1's position up the hill we took out many contacts (even I had 4 kills through all the confusion) so that when CO showed up there was only "light" contact. By the end of the mission all of bravo have safely bounded into the town using the house as base of fire. We were clearing buildings in the town when the mission ended. So stop hating on Bravo! :argh:

Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 4:24 pm
by Denel
Dawsome wrote:Spectating comrade Denel and his amazing tactic of flanking and sneaking, taking out hostiles left and right (can't wait for his video). Watching ST!NG running behind enemy lines, taking fire from all directions. But he succeeded and sailed away into the sunset (still taking fire).
And here it finally is, thanks to my internet connection's poor upload speed.

Ferrard Carson wrote:Congrats, on your cool dozen kills, Denel :coolbert:
Thanks, but I'll be the first to admit it was pure luck that kept me out of your ambush. I'd been sent off to peek over the top of the ridge to the north and by the time I made it up there the trap had been sprung (thanks new stamina system!).

I actually think that the events that followed highlight the importance of 360 degree security, particularly in adversarials (and especially with poor visibility). This is something that I myself forgot about later when I reached the compound. :psyboom: But by that time the red mist had descended and all I was concerned about was getting as many kills as quickly as possible to even up the forces a bit.

I think I was also technically acting SL after the ambush but that never occurred to me either. :siiigh: Clearly I've been playing too much RO2 lately and not enough ARMA.

Re: [Sun] 27 Jul 2014 (I need an attack helo pilot ...)

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2014 6:23 pm
by Lithion
Clearence Sale
Bravo Medic
First off:
Snippers wrote: Pretty neat mission one of those ones where you think you have most of Altis, and then it just feels completely different. Nice job mission maker!


My job as Bravo medic started out quite slow paced, as during initial combat, there were no requests for my tactical massages. A comrade was accidentally assassinated by a slipped grenade but not even comrade Tigershark's soft touch could shock this soldier back to life. Bravo's pace was slowed by the terrain, as the reeds meant contact could be expected close, and clearings in said reeds gave angered AI a long lane of fire for engagements. (This is why Bravo was slow paced, but fighting from established cover is also what kept casualties down)
While en route to my first medic call, I dodged some GMG shots, and patched up Bravo 2, following a Bravo 1 Medic call, I crossed the IFV again, now a burning wreck thanks to MAT Beforelife.

Pinging at enemies with my carbine, I stuck close to BSL until he met an unfortunate end while advancing to Bravo's Dom Pavlova. Angered, I channeled my inner Gaius and rolled to combat medic, popping smoke for Bravo 2 to get from behind the house, to its interior, where we established a strong BoF on angry patrols. Once we dealt with the worst patrols, Bravo moved to the town's first outlying houses, for the mission to get called a few minutes later.

A very cool mission where I actually felt of use and stayed alive throughout its course, thanks to everyone involved, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Mail Man
Alpha Medic
After a hot LZ alpha took to the mountains for a valiant stand against CSAT hordes. I, however, took an MMG round to the face rudely ending my night's session.