[Sun] 2 Oct 2022 (Two for Flinching)

How we died (in the future)
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[Sun] 2 Oct 2022 (Two for Flinching)

Post by Costno »

Our 14 attendees, a squad sized force, pushed through two thick missions.

First up was a nighttime hike through the Stratis hills, the moonlight and crickets quickly interrupted by gunfire. Not too sure what went down on the ground, as I spent this one orbiting a few thousand feet high. All I know is that after blowing up several vehicles and strafing some infantry for about an hour, I was presented with the laser designation of a surviving recon soldier on the mission targets. It probably didn't matter all that much that we destroy those targets, our surviving force had basically cleared the entire airfield by the time we dropped that last GBU.

Second, we chose to avoid the hike and just take a ride in a Ghosthawk. With our Czapla escort (pronounced hell-CAT), we were able to hit two NPR held villages hard and fast. Things went very smoothly at the first objective, and then got extra-spicey at the second. I thought we were going to make it out with only two casualties until I watched two people get direct hit by two SPG rounds... Miraculously, some of us did survive, fought our way to the extract, and made it home. That'll teach those tote bag separatists!

Finally, with reduced strength, we ran a quiet run of Tarnow. In typical fashion our attacking force was slowly whittled down, but our remaining two humans drew strength from their comrade Hund's AI, radioing in from the starting point to say that he had dealt with a squad of enemies with nothing more than his handgun. Feeling inspired by this show of force, and extra delighted when the AI drove up in his little red jeep, our two survivors made it to the extract.

  • Gunship Diplomacy [Co-op]
  • Network Tunnels [Co-op]
  • Escape from Tarnow [Co-op]
  • House Rules H [Afterparty]
  • House Rules G [Afterparty]
  • Minecraft [Afterparty]
Hey if you're here reading this, and you haven't already, why not fill out this survey:
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIp ... sp=sf_link

Players are reminded that the #communications channel on Discord contains valuable information for every member of the squad.

Remember to check out, promote, and contribute to the Party YouTube channel using this elegant and finely-crafted link.

Remember, comrades: in the interest of furthering your tactical education, the Party presents a new archive of combat footage. Be sure to browse through, and learn what (not) to do.

If you would like to get some help with becoming an excellent leader :commissar: why not check out the Leadership Programme? This will let you get direct access to a host who will be happy* to guide you through commanding a mission, especially if you have a cruel and devious plan.

You may have noticed that some people have FA flags all over them. You may have thought "wow, what a cool guy! I want to be like them when I grow up!" Well, there's no need to grow up just yet. Instead, click on this link here and you too can have an FA flag of your own.

One last thing! If you would like to contribute to the server fund that allows FA to keep running sessions, you can PayPal your last grubby potato to server-fund@folkarps.com, or click here to use the Party's new and improved organ donation service.

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