[Sun] 14 Sep 2014 (The Dukes of Altis)

How we died (in the future)
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Ferrard Carson
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[Sun] 14 Sep 2014 (The Dukes of Altis)

Post by Ferrard Carson »

  • Surf Athanos
  • Buzzard
  • Crateresistance
  • Night Dayforce
  • Drugs! Drugs! Drugs!
A lovely 33 comrades were reminded that in an emergency, a Folk ARPS Tractor can be used as a flotation device. The Party provides no guarantee as to how effective a flotation device.

Before I recap our activities, I would like to take a moment to say a great big "Thank You!" to the fine folk who stepped up to leadership positions readily and quickly - you guys are still awesome!

We began tonight with a vicious attempt to acquire beautiful beachfront property. Our real-estate agent in a Commanche was blown out of the sky by a SAM, and our house tours were <REDACTED> and we <REDACTED> until <REDACTED>. No, that platoon never existed, what are you talking about? Our most definitely first mission, Buzzard, featured Tigershark in command of two squads and two pilots in an attempt to steal gently borrow a Buzzard CAS jet that Aziz demanded we bring to him as tribute - it worked too (once Draith's jet got over its squeamishness about taking the fuel AJAX was so generously offering)! A fresh run of Crateresistance saw a vicious valley fight between evenly matched FIA and AAF, then Bryan and Jigsor discovered their inner Dukes of Hazzard and took a 16-man vehicle on a joyride across the Altian hills, Grand-Theft-Altis-ing five FIA cache guards along the way and shooting up boxes full of watches in drunken drive-bys! Thanks to their watch-destroying antics, however, Nightforce couldn't figure out what time they were supposed to enter the <REDACTED> in order to <REDACTED> the residents. They snapped on their silencers, donned their sexy, sexy balaclavas and black t-shirts, and set off... at high noon. :laugh: We then drugged away the PTSD with a run of Raidolo to close out the evening.

A special shoutout to Bryan and Jigsor, our very own Dukes of Altis!


Another big ol' thank you to everyone who came along! Folk ARPS welcomes you with open arms, you brave farmer who barely knows which end of the gun should point towards the enemy! (it's that one, by the way) We hope you'll stay, we hope you'll write down your thoughts and feedback and share your compromising pictures and video in this thread so that the Politburo may issue the corresponding work orders, marching orders, and the occasional stay of execution to keep our enemies guessing!

Have thoughts? Stories? Screenshots? Video? Centerfold pictures of Comrade Tigershark? Share them here in this thread! Have video you don't know what to do with? I've said a few (possibly helpful) words here! Want to be featured on the Folk ARPS YouTube channel? Look no further than Comrade SuperU!

:clint: ~ Ferrard
"Take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turnin' of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' before she keels... makes her home."

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Re: [Sun] 14 Sep 2014 (The Dukes of Altis)

Post by fer »

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Re: [Sun] 14 Sep 2014 (The Dukes of Altis)

Post by Draith »

If anyone was recording during Buzzard and is up for sharing some footage, please message me here or add me on Steam (Draith). My recording cut out before the finale because of a full hard disk.

I had a blast this session, thanks to the Hosts to providing such a good time.

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Ferrard Carson
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Re: [Sun] 14 Sep 2014 (The Dukes of Altis)

Post by Ferrard Carson »

Surf Athanos
Deployed as MMG2 Gunner
We optimistically planned to seize the first two compounds - Alpha was assigned the left, Bravo the right, with MMG2 directed to support Bravo.

I was murderized crossing the open beach en route to supporting Bravo, but not before I managed to light up one dude and scare the bejeezus out of another. The rest of the platoon was similarly cut to shreds, with less than a fire team of Bravo reaching their assigned compound. Alpha and MMG1 managed to bust in one building further from the beach, but got taken apart by enemies coming from all directions.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Deployed as Alpha Medic
Tactically teleporting onto the beach alongside AirBlade, I followed him as he directed Alpha around and then up a hill from which we fanned out like a three-legged giraffe. Alpha 1 dove into the valley between us and the Altis Air Club, while Alpha 3 pressed forward to the next commanding ridge and Alpha 2 restlessly watched in the direction of some patrolling Strela troops.

And then all hell broke loose. Bravo's assault on the airfield went poorly - by the time they'd secured most of the place, they were down to two dudes, and the pilot assigned to them was face down in a puddle of his blood. In the meantime, Alpha 2 was fending off the Strela troops who had decided to come looking for us, Alpha 3 and the Squad Lead element (that's me!) were engaged on two sides, and Alpha 1 was stuck trying to support everyone at once.

Fortunately, we managed to pull through with a bit of luck and some cool-headed work by AirBlade, and we escorted our pilot down to the Buzzard in style... where he steadfastly refused to accept fuel from AJAX. Must be a personal feud of some sort, because I hopped into the truck and suddenly out came the fuel hoses and pumps. Note to self: Don't piss off the ground-crew...

Deployed as DefendFor (FIA) Medic
It's a well-kept secret that prior to Bryan and Jigsor's cross-country ramblings, yours truly engaged in a fairly derpy flanking maneuver. Flanking because I ended up behind the enemy forces. Derpy because I had outpaced the rest of the maneuver element and I was accidentally lone-wolfing like we really aren't supposed to do.

Nonetheless, this is the result:

Night Dayforce
You know what's more scary than not being able to see a damn thing in the dark? Not being able to see a damn thing in the light... and not having enemy torches to indicate their locations. Somehow, this mission got more lethal fun in the daytime as the un-nerfed AI slaughtered us with little warning while we advanced :dance:

:clint: ~ Ferrard
"Take a boat in the air you don't love, she'll shake you off just as sure as the turnin' of the worlds. Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down, tells you she's hurtin' before she keels... makes her home."

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