[Sun] 12 March 2017 (The revenants)

How we died (in the future)
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[Sun] 12 March 2017 (The revenants)

Post by Aqarius »

A peak of 37 comrades took up arms against the oppressors, and then each other, and then as oppressors, then against the oppressors again...
  • Passive Aggression
  • Squirells
  • Puddle Jumpers
  • Terminal Velocity
  • -
  • Helicopters
  • Jets
  • [408 Request Time-out]
Once again, the Party engineers have provided us with evidence historical records on display for the court everyone to see.

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Re: [Sun] 13 March 2017 (The revenants)

Post by NikkoJT »

Some observations (but no screenshots because I'm awful):

Passive Aggression
Alpha got a bunker, Bravo (and our brave little MAT team of me and Mobius) got a hill. Alpha laid mines, which the enemy drove around.
Despite getting absolutely hammered, I believe we did in fact manage to complete the mission, albeit with only a few courageous comrades remaining.

This was a PvP mission. INDFOR under Netkev attempted to take a town from BLUFOR under...Teifiterror, I think. My assignment was the gunner of INDFOR CO Vic, under the capable Zitron (whose in-game comms were broken) with Shado (who never speaks) driving. Due to the comms problems I'm not sure exactly what happened during the early part of the mission, since we were out on the outskirts of town watching a mostly empty hill. We did manage to frag an enemy MAT team, but their other MAT went wide and got us in the butt. The end of the mission consisted of the hyper-lethal Costno killing almost everyone with the remains of Alpha Vic, before finally being brought down in a vicious brawl with the last remnant of BLUFOR.

Puddle Jumpers
This one was my first adventure as a vehicle commander, in charge of Alpha Vic with a daring crew of darkarchon (gunner) and Shado (driver).
We were the first across the river, deploying Alpha squad on the beach. We then encountered an enemy AFV at a range of approximately 5 metres around a corner, which we managed to destroy with our GMG when we'd finished changing into our brown fatigues. Then we spent a minute driving in circles because I was trying to use the rangefinder readout as a bearing indicator. Oops.
After getting back into position, we provided cover for Alpha's clearance of their assigned part of the town. It was at some point during this period that Bravo killed both Alpha lead and Alpha 1 lead, which we were completely unaware of because Alpha and Bravo weren't talking to each other and Alpha wasn't talking to us. Oops.
We also spent a minute or so sitting very still directly in front of an enemy ATGM launcher, which miraculously failed to kill us before Shado spotted it and darkarchon killed it.
After clearing the town, we made haste to catch up with Bravo on their advance up the road, and promptly got wiped out by an enemy AFV.

Terminal Velocity
For this mission we used the same plan and CO as the last run of Terminal Velocity, except this time we did it too fast and lost 50-60% of our strength trying to take the runway. Rest in peace, comrades. On the bright side, our VIP did not get sniped out of the aircraft on approach.
FA missions & session host. Tank appreciater.

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Re: [Sun] 12 March 2017 (The revenants)

Post by darkChozo »

Passive Aggression

I led the engineers in their valiant mine-laying duties. We lost Lexer early on to a communications mishap; I communicated that the side of a hill was a safe spot to wait, when it turns out it was actually completely exposed to the enemy. After that, it was a lot of shuffling around, laying mines under the protection of Alpha and also behind our base for reasons. We lost Shado to enemy fire, and by "enemy fire" I mean "someone put down an AP mine instead of an AT mine". Eventually, we ran out of mines and ran to the main bunker fortification to act as infantry. It was at this point that my computer blue screened. By the time I got back, I was already dead; R3 evidence suggests that this might have had something to do with an IFV charging the bunker and killing half of Alpha immediately afterwards.


I was MAT1 gunner on the defending side, led by the brave Strumpie. Brave Strumpie declared that he didn't care if he was spotted searching for enemy IFVs. Immediately afterwards, he was spotted by an enemy IFV, and met his demise with a 30mm to the face.

I peeked the IFV a couple of times, but it was pretty clear that they had our hillside covered. So I decided that the best course of action would be a flank. I took our offroad and went on a long, circuitous journey around the AO, stopping every so often to scope out the immediate terrain. On one of these stops, I peeked over the hill I was hiding behind and spotted an enemy IFV about 20 meters in front of me. Two PCMLs to the side later, the IFV was dead and I was AT-less. I decided to head back into town and attempt another, more infantry-based flank, but the mission ended before I could get there.

Side note, driving around empty-but-potentially-hostile territory was fun. We should do more of that.

Puddle Jumpers

I led B1 in this one. After a bit of faffing about, we eventually made it into the AO to clear out the first town. Clearing went fairly smoothly, right up to the point where we got into a firefight with Alpha, killing two of theirs and one of ours. I'm still not entirely sure who shot first; I know that right before the incident happened, I got the impression that there was someone shooting at me, but it also sounded like it was coming from inside our building, so I don't know.

Eventually we started making our was to the second town. Went well, right up to the point where Bravo vic blew up under enemy autocannon fire. Unable to locate the source, we hunkered down in a soccer (football?) field (pitch?) for a while, which was pretty nice, even if there was a bit of an enemy infantry swarm going on to the east. Eventually, we regrouped enough to advance further, using CO Vic as cover. Shockingly, CO Vic got taken out by the same autocannon that killed Bravo vic, which also took out our SL in the explosion. I tried to pull Bravo's remaining forces together and out of the open field, but took a bullet to the head while advancing to the nearest hard cover.

Terminal Velocity

We rushed the initial assault a bit on this one. I was part of the covering fireteam, and we weren't really able to get into good positions before the shooting started. We lost one or two, and the assaulting team ended up dead or dying, but we were able to secure the airport for the plane.

Things got quiet from there, until they got very loud at the first town on the way to the boats. I was able to fight for a bit, but eventually took a bullet to the head and went down.

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Re: [Sun] 12 March 2017 (The revenants)

Post by Madmatt »

Re: Puddle Jumpers

With regards to that little blue on blue issue in the town, let's not bicker and argue about who killed who or who fired first, but instead appreciate the awesome accuracy that was on display as one automatic rifleman on Bravo (who shall remain nameless to protect my... err I mean THEIR modesty) took out the core leadership of Alpha with two quick bursts.

Such skills should be rewarded I would think...


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Re: [Sun] 12 March 2017 (The revenants)

Post by Aqarius »

The Party assures you, comrade, your his... performance has been... noted.


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