[Tue] 20 Feb 2018 (Divine Assistance)

How we died (in the future)
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[Tue] 20 Feb 2018 (Divine Assistance)

Post by Lexer »

12 friendly comrades joined us today for this rather cosy Tuesday session. A night filled with mysterious divine influence, even more mysterious Arma physics™, and amok extremely obedient AI ensued.

Be sure to check out the R3 Mission Replay System where all of tonights missions have been faithfully recorded, and can be relived over-and-over again for years to come.

Also leave any feedback for our wonderful mission makers in the appropriate forum thread, or #mission_feedback on DIscord.

Notice some people had fancy Folk ARPS patches on their arms and vehicles. Get yours today! Also talk to a host today to get one on TS as well!
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Re: [Tue] 20 Feb 2018 (Divine Assistance)

Post by NikkoJT »

Winning the Game
The one where we did not, in fact, win the game.

Shield & Sword
The one where there were plenty of Marshalls to go around. As well as one to go to space.

Pickup Artists
The one where Alpha Vic was given insufficient coax ammo, and insufficient targets for our Titan missiles.

Kore Principles
The one where the AI didn't want to. (And where Teifi dropped a cluster bomb on me before I got to use my Titan AA)

Rebel Rebel
The one where the enemy bravely attacked us on quad bikes, but the Arma water physics' attack was more effective.
FA missions & session host. Tank appreciater.

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Re: [Tue] 20 Feb 2018 (Divine Assistance)

Post by stonie »

Overall small, but nevertheless nice session. The new spectator script is spectacular for videos and flying around and stuff.
Sometimes we actually look like we knew what we were doing:


Winning the Game
It started out well, and then everyone died. I didn't see it coming as I saw Delta_O2_cat to be watching that direction.
At ~5:20 you can see that Shado' found a friend
At least it ended hilariously.


Shield And Sword
I was playing as tank gunner, and our vehicle commander Red Paddy died way to early. Don't do that ever again. Being Gunner and having to do the watching, talking and listening part is just horrible. :psyboom:
I forgot about starting the recording, but here's what I've got


Pickup Artists
This one was tough: I really had a problem to locate the enemy. Somehow they were everywhere and I couldn't even determine where the shots were coming from. I died, but it turned out to be a major victory.


Kore Principles
The plan was nice and simple: With the enemy coming from the east, bunker down in the west of the city and protect the city by using it as a shield against the enemy. It started easy, then we lost our AH with Shado' as the pilot, the reasons remain unknown. Surprisingly PCML-immune IFVs appeared and I got shot immediately after firing my AT-missile.


Rebel Rebel
Shooting a continuous stream of enemies, while we were waiting for a drone sending a signal. Apparently this takes about 25 minutes in the year 2024. We extracted stealthy under water with a boat.

My Folk ARPS visual archive:

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